Do You Have This Friend?
This topic is going to be a bit different today, in this article I'm going to be talking about how to spot a fake friend and how to spot the type of friend you should hold onto.
The Fake Friend 🤥
Firstly, I'm going to go over the method that I find the most effective to spot a fake friend. So, what you're going to do is mention a small accomplishment (ex: a new bench PR, starting out in the gym, a high score on a test, talking to your crush, etc.) to this friend that you suspect is a fake friend. Then, you need to instantly analyze their expression, people can be very good at lying but their true intentions are found in the split of a second. Look deeply, is their smile delayed, do they give you backhanded compliments, is there a slight frown or an expression of surprise. Listen, don't judge them souly on this technique, they could just be in a shitty mood and they truly care, maybe they just aren't able to express that care in the moment, but if it's a consistent thing then thats a problem. There are many other signs that you can expect from one of these friends here is a video that I thought went over them pretty well:
It's just as important to know how to cut someone with these signs out of your life as it is to know how to spot one. However, you may not realize how influential these types of decisions may be, you have to think this over journal about it, ask yourself "is this person valuing me as a person? do they value my time? do I want to be more like this person?" etc. If you have still decided that this person isn't right for you, you have to take action and be strong because these people pray on your weakness which is why they target you specifically. When these people start to say things like "must be nice", or "you think you're better than us?" simply respond with "yes" and keep a straight face. I promise you even if this ends your friendship upfront, you were never meant to be with this person and the friendship was going to end anyway. Limit the time you spend with this person, maybe only hangout with them on certain days, ignore their texts for a few hours, until this person naturally goes "oh shit, this person has figured me out, there is no point in trying to further manipulate them." Believe me eventually they will just flat out stop texting you and there you go, the toxic link is gone.
The Real Friend 🤗
If you have the type of friend that always tells you the truth no matter how much it may have hurt, has never talked poorly about anyone behind their back, and has always been there for you and everyone around them even though they never really needed to be. These people are one of a kind, when someone like this shows up in my life I will always be there for this person because I know how hard it can be to remain with pure intentions in a world of greed. I want to address that the the fake friend will souly criticize you even if you don't deserve it and do it to tear you down not build you up because deep down they don't value you ; while the real friend will speak their mind and criticize you but they will always provide with it a solution and a sense of caring. Be that friend to yourself and to the other people around you and good will come, it is only a matter of time. Many people might not except the truth from you since their ego's can get in the way ; remember that they are missing out on you, you aren't missing out on them, because you have pure intentions and they can't accept that you are right.
Watch for those real friends because they are something special, I know a lot of people don't have that kind of friend and if you don't, continue to be it to others so that one of those friends will come, because like I said good will come. Always remember that having no connection is better than having a negative connection, please cut out the people that you know don't care about you, because that action will make you stronger. Thanks for reading, this was more of a different topic so I hope you enjoyed. See you in the next one ✌