The Irresponsible Counselor

We all have that one "guide" who knows exactly what they are supposed to be doing yet 99% of the time they do the opposite. This person although supposed to be mature could not be further from that. This person could be a family member, older sibling or a sport coach it has to be someone who is a paternal figure in some sort of way.

πŸ‘€ What Does This Look Like

Well there is a meter to how extreme a human can be and I like to call it the "Absolutely Unbearableness Level of a Human Being Scale." This made up measurement unit can go up to 5 levels.

The "Unbearableness Level of a Human Being Scale" Levels

1 This person is just boring to be around never talks much and doesn't add to conversations, Im not trying to roast any introverts I'm one too, I'm being serious, but if you don't interact with others at all how do expect to gain any awareness of the world around you.

2 This person is never cocky he very much respects others, often you can tell he has confidence but knows he doesn't have to prove himself to anyone which I totally respect. (I would put myself here).

3 This is where the scale starts to tip just slightly, when their faced with any sort of dare they will do it if there is no one who has authority over them, they talk a lot but know when to shut up.

4 Well, if you have a friend who is a 4, im sorry. This person will be loud they will scream in public do whatever it takes to make someone laugh, they often are the loudest one in the friend group, they have pure intentions but a lot of people find them annoying.

5 this person is a psychopath, they will do whatever they want, whenever they want, have some really big ego's, and will try to prove themselves superior to anyone even if the outcome could be dangerous or even lethal. Ive only met a couple 5s in my life.

πŸ“– Personal Stories

I've had one particular teacher that would not stop talking. This teacher is probably one of the craziest ive ever had. He would show us videos he wasn't supposed to, throw things at us, and just so much more. Honestly, he was the likeable kind of crazy, this guy was so much cooler than any of my other teachers. We still did our work and necessary note taking but after that all hell would break lose during this class. Keep in mind this was in grade 6 or 7 so we were still really young.


Honestly there are going to be leaders like this who you like being around or you just can't stand. However, the important thing about it is too not take things they say too seriously, try to stay passive for as long as you can, be the bigger person. Don't let them get to your head, you don't need to prove yourself to anybody at all. You have the potential, commitment and strength to become whatever you want to become. Thanks for reading guys this one was a bit rushed, stay safe.