The Reason why you Must Love your Parents
I have this friend in my life who will constantly talk bad about their parents to me behind their bad saying things like, "my mom's a b-tch." Or things like that. In that moment all I said was, "dude you can't say things like that." He'd ask me why and I'd immediatly be stumped on that question. So after that incident a couple days later I saw a video come up on my feed the title was something like "Recording this After the Passing of my Dad." I clicked on it because I watched the creator a lot, and let's just say it was a pretty dumfounding because I wouldn't be writing this if I didn't see it.
The Phrase
I heard this line and it really made me think, if you boil it down it's true ; people want you to do well but not better than them. That goes for everyone except for your parents. Thats why they want you to take opportunity's and do things you don't want to, thats why they talk to you about your grades and thats why they believe you can succeed. Because they want you to succeed, yes I know you've heard it a million times but thats because it's true bro. Yes they make mistakes– they're human. They can lose their temper sometimes and yell at you over small things or be unfair under circumstances, but it doesn't matter, its your job to forgive them for whatever they've done and just move on. They won't be around forever for you to do so.
Respect your parents no matter what, because you would be here without them. (Im talking to 95% of people here, sometimes parents can be really bad people). If they ask you to do something just do it, no attitude, but at the same time they are your best friend. If you have parents like mine they will help you and listen to you when something really matters to you. The bond between caring parents and their children should never be broken still you don't understand how common it is for kids to grow up, become busy and just forget about their parents. It's your responsibility to make sure that doesn't. This post was a bit shorter than usual but still thanks for reading ; I know it's been a while and I promise to be more consistent. See ya in the next one, stay safe.