This Instantly Makes You Ugly

It was a Sunday in 5th grade, I came running back from the school field into my lush backyard and into my bungalow home to play some Fortnite on my switch with some of the popular kids at school who had “befriended" me a couple of weeks ago. I was the last one to join the call and we then started to play. We were all alive in the game until one of my teammates trolled me and killed me. I was laughed at and I laughed too. I was a still a little annoyed but I wasn't really mad. As the game kept going we slowly died one by one until the player who had trolled me was one of the last people alive. Im not certain how but he died a couple minutes later, I let out a little “yes” in spite. Long story short, the players said that that was extremely rude and they kicked me from the group call and the party. I just sat there, at first I felt bad, but I started to realize that these people didn't really give a damn about me. I always felt like the “extra” in the group if you can call it that, like I was just there to fill up the last party slot. I knew this because whenever there were more people in the call than there could be in our party I was always the first person to be voted out so they could play. I didn't realize it at the time but the way this particular group treated others at school also wasn't ok. They wouldn't full on bully people but they would put people down which led me to do the same sometimes. I was still a good kid but I wasn't being myself. My grades dropped a little bit, I started to swear a little bit more and I lost a lot of respect from the peoples opinions I actually valued. It got to a point where not only was I disrespected by this group but by most people in my class as well because I was playing two personas so that led me to be unattractive to everyone, and i'm not talking physically I mean personality wise. I learned two things from this experience.

Two Lessons

1.) Choose people who choose you. Chances are these people are the ones who actually respect you, and align with your morals and values the most.

2.) Don't be someone you aren't to gain the respect of someone who has power, because not only will it not work but you'll lose the admiration other people had for you.


I know its hard to believe but someone out there would fight for you wether you have them in your life or not keep an eye out for them, I need to remind myself of that more often. Thanks for reading guys, see you in the next one.